Article I
Name and Purpose
Section 1. The Association shall be called the Burnt Store Isles Association, Inc., a non-profit association hereinafter referred to as BSIA, and operated on a calendar year basis beginning January 1, 1990. Burnt Store Isles is that community located in Section # 15 Plat, Section #15 Replat, City of Punta Gorda, Charlotte County, Florida, as shown in the public records of Charlotte County.
Section 2. The mailing address of BSIA is Post Office Box 510956, Punta Gorda, Florida 33951-0956, USA.
Section 3. BSIA has been formed to provide a means for residents and owners of property in Burnt Store Isles to jointly promote the continual improvement of the neighborhood, to protect the common interest of all residents, foster good fellowship, to protect the health, safety and well-being of the residents and owners, to provide educational programs, and to cooperate with other civic groups, owner associations and governmental agencies as they consider plans and programs for the area.
Article II
Membership and Dues
Section 1. A BSIA membership may be:
(a) An owner household consisting of husband, wife, minor children and other relatives or domestic partners - or an unmarried single adult, widow, widower or divorced person.
(b) A household unit may consist of a single family home or housing unit within a multi-family structure.
(c) An owner of one or more lots of land in BSI or a non-resident owner of a home or homes.
Section 2.
(a) Property renter occupants of a household unit may become Associate members who shall enjoy all the benefits of the association except voting rights. They will not pay an initial fee or be liable for special owner assessments.
(b) Property owners in Burnt Store Golf Villas (also known as Burnt Store Villas) may become Community members who shall enjoy all the benefits of the association, except voting rights on matters pertaining to special owner assessments or deed restrictions. They will not pay an initial fee and will not be liable for special owner assessments, but they will be required to pay current annual dues. They will be eligible to be elected as officers and directors; however, they must abstain from voting on matters related to special owner assessments or deed restrictions.
Note: New section approved November 9, 2021
Section 3. The term "member" as used in these By-Laws shall not include any business organization. The term "owner" or "member" as used in these By-Laws shall not include mortgagees or holders of other encumbrances.
Section 4. Membership in BSIA shall cease for any property owner who sells or closes or conveys the real property, which qualifies for BSIA membership.
Section 5. Only one membership shall be permitted for each household or home-site regardless of the number of persons or the number of lots owned jointly in their names.
Section 6. All members shall have one (1) vote per membership. Members who have not paid their dues for the current calendar year may not vote at any meeting.
Section 7. Property owners desiring to join BSIA shall pay an initial membership fee and current annual dues, according to rates and schedules to be adopted at the November Annual Meeting.
Section 8. Dues shall be based on a budget submitted by the Board of Directors and approved by the majority of the members attending the annual membership meeting.
Section 9. No eligible person or persons shall be denied membership in BSIA or have that membership terminated except for failure to pay annual dues levied by BSIA or for failure to observe the rules and regulations adopted by BSIA.
Section 10. Annual dues are due and payable on January 1 of each year. Any member whose annual dues remain unpaid on January 31 of any year shall cease to be a member and their names will not be listed in the current BSIA Directory nor will they receive BSIA Newsletters until dues are paid.
Article III
Section 1. The Officers shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Each Officer shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. No Officer shall serve more than four (4) consecutive years in the same office; however, Officers may serve one additional two (2) year term in the same office on an exception basis when no other candidate(s) have been nominated for said Officer position. Officers are expected to be routinely available to meet their day-to-day responsibilities and accessibility to members.
Note: New wording approved November 9, 2021
Section 2. The President shall preside at meetings of the membership and the Board of Directors. Subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, the President shall appoint committee chairmen and other appointees as are deemed necessary to carry out the purpose of the By-Laws. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
Section 3. The Vice-President shall perform the duties assigned by the President, and shall discharge the duties of the President in his/her absence.
Section 4. The Secretary shall record and maintain the minutes of all regular and special meetings of the membership and all meetings of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall issue all correspondence and notices of meetings of BSIA.
Section 5. The Treasurer shall prepare and present to the Board of Directors at its October Meeting, for Board approval, a budget for the next calendar year. A copy of the Board's approved annual budget shall be furnished to the membership of BSIA for approval at the November annual membership meeting by bulletin or letter, mailed at least fourteen (14) days preceding the announced date of said meeting.
Section 6. In the event any Officer or member of the Board of Directors is unable to fulfill the term of office for any reason whatsoever, such vacancy shall be filled for the balance of the calendar year by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at a duly constituted meeting.
Section 7. In accordance with the policies and guidelines established by the Board of Directors, any officer not performing his or her duties as required, shall be subject to review by the Board of Directors. After due notice to the said officer, and in concurrence with a majority of the Board of Directors, the membership shall be asked to act upon removal of said officer. The notice of a meeting at which the membership will consider removal of an officer or officers will indicate the purpose of the meeting. A separate vote is required for each officer to be removed. Any vacancies caused by the removal at a meeting will be filled at the same meeting by a vote of the membership.
Section 8. Each of the above officers shall perform the duties of his or her office as outlined in the job descriptions contained in the stated Rules and Procedures of BSIA.
Section 9. The wife or husband of any member may hold elective office, but both husband and wife may not hold elective office at the same time.
Article IV
Section 1. There shall be eight (8) elected Directors, in addition to the Officers. Four (4) Directors shall be elected in alternative years to serve a two (2) year term. No Director shall serve more than four (4) consecutive years in the same office; however, Directors may serve one additional two (2) year term in the same office on an exception basis when no other candidate(s) have been nominated for said Director position. Directors are expected to be routinely available to meet their day-to-day responsibilities and accessibility to members.
Note: New wording approved November 9, 2021
Section 2: Each Director shall be elected to manage and be responsible for one of the following functions via: (1) Membership; (2) Special Projects; (3) Community Relations; (4) Legal Liaison; (5) Social; (6) Neighborhood Security; (7) Community Standards; and (8) E-Communications. The immediate Past President shall remain as a non-voting director as long as he/she remains the immediate Past President.
Note: New wording approved November 14, 2024 (re-titled the Planning Director to Community Relations Director)
Section 3. Each Director shall manage the affairs of his/her respective functions. Projects and expenditures undertaken by any director are subject to the prior review and approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Each of the above directors shall perform the duties of his or her office as outlined in the job descriptions contained in the stated Rules and Procedures of BSIA.
Section 5. In accordance with the policies and guidelines established by the Board of Directors, any director not performing his or her duties as required, shall be subject to review by the Board of Directors. After due notice to the said director, and in concurrence by a majority of the Board of Directors, the membership shall be asked to act upon removal of said director. The notice of a meeting at which the membership will consider removal of a director or directors will indicate the purpose of the meeting. A separate vote is required for each director to be removed. Any vacancies caused by the removal at a meeting will be filled at the same meeting by a vote of the membership
Article V
Board of Directors
Section 1. The elected Offices and Directors shall constitute the Board of Directors.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall administer the affairs of BSIA and shall determine the need for changes in membership dues and submission thereof to the membership for approval. The Board of Directors shall not, however, approve any single capital or expense item in excess of $4,000 without the approval of a majority of the members attending and voting at a duly called regular or special meeting.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall meet as often as deemed necessary to conduct the affairs of BSIA. Any Board Member may attend any meeting of the Board electronically (by either video or audio conferencing).
Section 4. All records of BSIA including audited accounts shall be retained by the Secretary for a minimum of six (6) years.
Article VI
Section 1. The President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee prior to September 15 of each year. The Chairperson will then appoint four (4) members to serve as the Nominating Committee. The Committee shall select candidates for Officers and Directors from members of the Association and these selections shall be provided to the membership by bulletin, or letter, mailed at least fourteen (14) days prior to the November annual membership meeting.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall, in addition to its responsibilities under this section, establish such other committees as are necessary to conduct the affairs of BSIA.
Article VII
Meeting and Elections
Section 1. The Annual membership meeting of the owner members shall be held on any day in November that the Board of Directors shall select for the primary purpose of election of Officers and Directors and any other pertinent business.
At this meeting the Chairman of the Nominating Committee shall present to the membership its list of candidates. Nominations may also be made from the floor, provided prior consent of that nominee has been obtained. Those receiving the greatest number of votes of members present shall be declared elected to the offices to which they were nominated. Officers and Directors elected shall assume office the following January 1st.
Section 2. The Secretary shall notify each member, in writing at their last known address, of the annual November membership meeting and any special meetings. Notice shall be mailed, at least fourteen (14) days before each meeting. Notice shall state the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting.
Members may be notified of regular meetings (usually held quarterly) by telephone, in writing, or other suitable means of communication, as directed by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. A Special meeting of the members may be called at any time by the President or shall be called by her/him upon written request of five percent (5%) of the membership. In the event the President fails to call said meeting upon request, it may be called by those members initiating the written request. At least ten (10) days before said meeting the Secretary or the members calling the meeting shall mail notice of the meeting to every member at his last known address which notice shall state the date, time, place and purpose of this special meeting.
Section 4. At any annual, regular, or special meeting, 10% of the membership shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not present at any meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned until such time and place as the President or presiding officer directs. If all pending business or matters cannot reasonably be discussed and acted upon at any meeting of the Members or the Board of Directors, the President or presiding officer may adjourn the meeting to another time and place without further notice of meeting.
Section 5. Voting by members shall be by voice, standing or show of hands and directed by the presiding officer, except where secret ballot is requested by a member and the request approved by a majority of members present. Separate votes shall be taken for the election of each Officer and Director.
Section 6. There shall be no voting by proxy or absentee ballot at membership meetings, or meeting of the Board of Directors with the exception related to voting on By-Law amendments, as noted in Article VIII.
Article VIII
Amendments to By-Laws
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consider any and all proposed amendments to the By-Laws at one of its regular meetings, and shall finalize it in respect thereof. At least fourteen (14) days prior to the next annual, regular or special meeting, a written notice shall be sent to the membership that an amendment to the By-Laws will be proposed at the meeting. Such notice shall include the proposed amendment(s) and a proxy or absentee ballot, so that members not able to attend the meeting may vote their choice. Adoption of amendments to By-Laws must be made by a vote of two-thirds of the members who vote. The Secretary shall mail a notice to each member of the final results of the balloting within sixty (60) days of the date of the meeting.
Section 2. Each amendment and/or change in the By-Laws shall be listed separately and shall be voted upon separately and not as a solid bloc, thereby not excluding those voters who vote by proxy.
Article IX
Parliamentary Procedure
Section 1. A Parliamentarian, who may be a Director, shall be appointed by the President and shall guide the President and members to see that accepted parliamentary and other law is followed.
Section 2. "Robert's Rules of Order," latest edition, shall be recognized as the authority governing all meetings of the membership, Board of Directors and committees except where expressly at variance with the By-Laws.
Article X
Anything contained in these Bylaws to the contrary notwithstanding, wherever any notice to the members is required under these Bylaws, such notice will be sufficient if provided by e-mail to those members who have provided their e-mail address to the Association, unless any such member provides written notice to the Association electing to receive notices only by regular mail. Notice shall be sent by regular mail to those members who have not provided their e-mail address to the Association or who have given written notice to the Association that they elect to receive notice only by regular mail. The form of the notice shall be at the discretion of the Board of Directors, and all time frames applicable to such notice, as provided in these Bylaws, shall be equally applicable to notice by either e-mail or regular mail.
Sign up no later than March 18, 2025 for a delightful day.
See the Tuesday Bulletin for details and how to sign up.