Duties of the President
Have knowledge of the Association’s goals and objectives, bylaws, policies and procedures and work within those frameworks in conducting the business of the Association.
With the assistance of the secretary, plan the agendas for Board meetings and general membership meetings.
Preside at all meetings of the Board and the general membership and conduct them fairly, courteously and in accordance with parliamentary procedure.
Assist Board members in the performance of their duties.
Appoint committee chairpersons and other appointees as are deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of the bylaws.
Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
Duties of the Vice President
Have knowledge of all of the duties of the president and be able to preside at any Board or general membership meeting when the president is absent or when called upon by the president.
Have knowledge of the goals and objectives, bylaws, policies and procedures of the Association.
Assist other Board members.
Act as chairperson of the Architectural Review Committee.
Monitor new home construction for compliance with BSI deed restrictions.
Perform specific duties, relative to the position, as assigned by the president.
Duties of the Secretary
With the president, develop agendas for general membership meetings and meetings of the Board and issue all correspondence and notices of said meetings.
Record the minutes of the general membership and Board meetings and keep record books in order and up-to-date.
Unless otherwise ordered by the assembly, read the minutes of the previous meeting, note any corrections made and mark the minutes with a signature, date and the words “approved” or “approved as corrected”.
Have available at all meetings a copy of the by-laws, deed restrictions and any other rules and procedures of the Association as well as a copy of the minutes of previous meetings.
Have knowledge of the Association’s objectives and policies as well as an understanding of parliamentary procedure in order to assist the president in conducting a businesslike meeting.
If both the president and vice-president are absent, call the meeting to order and preside until a chairperson pro-tem is elected.
After notification by the president, advise committee members and/or chairpersons of their election or appointment.
Keep committee reports on file.
Prepare all correspondence at the direction of the president.
Perform specific duties, relative to the position, as assigned by the president.
Duties of the Treasurer
Receive and disburse moneys as prescribed in the bylaws or as authorized by the Board. All receipts and disbursements must be recorded promptly and accurately in an electronic format and in accordance with the accepted bookkeeping procedures and approved budgeted funds of the Association.
Immediately deposit all moneys received in a bank approved by the Board with the account in the name of Burnt Store Isles Association, Inc., with at least one other Board member identifiable at the bank as accountable for the funds.
Preserve all receipts, bank statements and cancelled checks for submission to an independent auditor, as requested or required.
Coordinate with the membership director in handling the annual dues renewal process, including development of a billing procedure and recording of dues received.
Prepare reports for Board meetings and general membership meetings of the Association.
Prepare an annual budget for the Association with input from the other Board members.
Prepare an annual report summarizing all receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year.
Perform specific duties, relative to the position, as assigned by the president.
If the Association requires that the treasurer be bonded, the Association shall pay for the bond.
Duties of the Community Standards Director
Enforce the deed restrictions conveyed from PGI, Inc. to BSIA by signed agreement in 1985, which apply to all homes and lots and all residents and lot owners.
Develop a system for reporting violations of BSIA deed restrictions to the City of Punta Gorda’s code compliance department.
Develop a system for providing feedback to the Board and to association members regarding actions taken to resolve deed restriction violation reports.
Monitor exterior remodeling projects in order to ensure compliance with BSIA deed restrictions.
Serve as a member of the Board’s Architectural Review Committee.
Coordinate with officials of the City of Punta Gorda regarding the mowing of vacant lots and any other matters pertaining to the beautification of Burnt Store Isles.
Perform specific duties, relative to the position, as assigned by the president.
Duties of the E-Communications Director
Check e-mail often as it pertains to BSIA business.
Answer questions or forward them to the appropriate officer or director.
Post appropriate items to the website when requested.
E-mail the membership regarding BSIA and community business as directed.
Manage the e-mail distribution list keeping it updated from addresses received from the master database as provided by the Membership Director and/or Treasurer.
Manage the website to keep it updated with information provided by the BSIA officers, directors and members according to guidelines established by the Board.
Coordinate with treasurer and membership to handle the electronic dues renewal and billing process.
Perform specific duties, relative to the position, as assigned by the president.
Duties of the Legal Liaison
Act as liaison on behalf of the Board with the attorneys chosen by the Board to be their legal counsel.
Review the bylaws of the Association at the request of the president and/or Board.
Perform specific duties, relative to the position, as assigned by the president.
**The Legal Liaison should have at least a minimal background in legal matters and can be, but does not necessarily have to be an attorney, paralegal or legal assistant.
Duties of the Membership Director
Maintain an accurate demographic database for all new and renewing association members.
Coordinate with the treasurer and e-communications in handling the annual dues renewal process, including the preparation of the membership renewal form, development of a billing process, collection of returned renewal forms and recording of dues received.
Review the list of non-renewals and develop plans for increasing the number of renewals.
Identify and contact prospective members, including new residents, new property owners and owners of homes under construction. Provide information about the community and the neighborhood for prospective members, including newsletters and application for membership forms.
Coordinate publication and distribution of annual Directory.
Report number of current members to the Board and the membership at general membership meetings.
Submit an article for newsletters which includes listing the number of members.
Perform specific duties, relative to the position, as assigned by the president.
Duties of the Security Director
Address security and safety issues unique to the community of Burnt Store Isles.
Represent BSIA with the Punta Gorda Police Department, Punta Gorda Fire Department and Emergency Services and other agencies as appropriate.
Advise and resolve issues with reference to vehicle traffic, boat and home security.
Initiate security informational seminars dealing with a variety of safety and security issues pertinent to the membership of BSIA.
Identify and provide to the BSIA Board the time and place when safety and security presentations will be held in Charlotte County. The Board may elect to transmit such information to the membership.
Monitor and maintain the BSIA security video cameras, assisting law enforcement personnel to access the video recordings when appropriate.
Perform specific duties, relative to the position, as assigned by the president.
**A law enforcement background would be helpful, but not necessary, to hold this position.
Duties of the Planning Director
The Planning Director shall be responsible for the following:
Leading in the development of long range goals of the Association and presenting such for consideration by the Board of Directors.
Informing the Board on issues that may impact the Association, such as development of neighboring properties.
Informing the Board on potential impacts on the Association from possible local legislative changes.
Assisting in implementation of long range single occurrence projects determined necessary by the Board of Directors.
Establishing and serving on Committees that may be deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors to address issues related to the above.
Assisting other Directors on matters that may be closely associated with the above.
Assisting other Directors and serving on Committees that may be in an area of expertise or experience possessed by the Planning Director.
Duties of the Social Director
Identify and oversee all social activities sponsored by the Association.
Organize the Board’s annual business meeting and any additional membership meetings.
Establish and chair social committee to support the office's activities and specific events.
Coordinate BSIA functions with Twin Isles Country Club and Burnt Store Isles Boat Club and, as required, participate in jointly sponsored functions with those organizations.
Select and direct outbound community support programs.
Record and manage the BSIA social budget for the Association’s social activities and events.
Select non-profit recipients of 50/50 contributions and other monies collected through social activities (subject to Board approval).
Report monthly to the Board on the activity of the Social Director’s office.
Prepare an article for the newsletter.
Perform specific duties, relative to the position, as assigned by the president.
Duties of the Special Projects Director
Oversee maintenance of the islands at the Monaco and Madrid entrances to Burnt Store Isles, including weeding and planting, holiday decorations and membership drive announcements.
Coordinate with contracted personnel for the trimming of trees on the cul-de-sacs.
Coordinate acknowledgement of Board, or committee, special circumstances such as illnesses, family deaths, etc. This may include flowers, cards, or other minor gifts.
Perform specific duties, relative to the position, as assigned by the president.
Reviewed, updated, and approved by the Board of Directors 9/7/18
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